Hello Everyone, sorry it has been so long since my last post. We have been super busy! I left off on my birthday post which was a month late.
On July 7th, 2009 our little Taylor had her THIRD birthday! Wow, I can't believe how fast the time goes by. We had a birthday party for her and she loved every bit of attention. We would ask her what she wanted for her birthday and she said, " I just want Candles!" What a funny little girl we have, who knew blowing out candles would be so much fun.The month of September has been a busy one Taylor started PRESCHOOL! She gets to go to school M-W-F, so it is a nice break for all us. Everyday we pick her up she has some new learning game to play at home. I tried taking a picture of her before school, well, lets just say she is at that cheesy picture stage.....
The second week in September I was lucky enough to get a little vacation and head up to Salt Lake City for a few days at my cousin Tami's house. I was going up to work on some cute crafts and christmas presents, while she scrap-booked! Would you know I forgot my camera, it seems like I am always forgetting that darn camera. I got to her house on Wednesday afternoon and we then headed to The Wood Connection, where I spent a good chunk of money.... This is what I made with some of the wood I bought, I am still working on my other projects.
I made this cute sign for my cousin Lindsey for a wedding present. I think it turned out cute! Not bad for my first sign. I might just have to make one for my house!
This is a cute "T" sign for little Taylor's room. I also did some vinyl on her bed. Lets just say I love my CRICUT!
I made this clock for myself, It was not that hard to do. The numbers are a little off, I would love to take the numbers off and fix them but I think it will rip the paper. I will just get over it or have to make another one...
On Thursday Tami and I went to Gardner Village and had lunch, walked around and shopped for a little while. The rest of the weekend we just hung out and watched some movies and crafted! Made some Oreo Truffles, way to good. It was so much fun, I can't wait to go again. I am going to have to get a job so I can support my crafting habit!
I came home for a few days then went back up north for my cousin Lindsey's wedding. I was the lucky one who took grandma and her beloved SPUD up to the wedding. It was a long car ride, we had to stop 5 times so Grandma, Spud and Taylor could all go to the bathroom. By the time I got to the cabin I was exhausted and didn't ever want to get in the car with those three again. I think next time I will be putting Diapers on all three of them. ( No it wasn't that bad). She got married up in Millcreek Canyon. I had never been up there, it was absoultley beautiful. I was sad for her because just as she was walking down the isle it started to rain. We had a wonderful time spending time with family and friends we had not seen in a long time.
Now, I have been home for a few days busy working on school pictures that I am helping with, it is keeping my busy and I am having a lot of fun doing the work and thinking about the nice Paycheck coming my way. Today is Friday the 25th of september and we are going to Lake Mead with the Mahoney family. Julie has a nephew getting married on Sat. in one of the little white chapels in Las Vegas. So we are going to Lake Mead and then to the Wedding and we will be home late Sat. night. We are so excited to go play in the water!
That is our story for the last couple of weeks.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Posted by Hillary at 9:31 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
My Birthday
We made it to Mark's parents house on June 14, 2009. I wanted to get there so I would not have to be stuck traveling on my birthday. So we made! I turned 25 on June 15, it was a great day. It started off with my favorite " CORNMEAL PANCAKES," if you have never had them you should try them. You can get the recipe of the jiffy corn muffin box or just go to their website!
After breakfast my mother and sister in law and myself went and got a pedicure and a manicure, and went to Chili's for lunch so we could get the White Chocolate Molten Cake! Another favorite!
When we got back to the house the boys and Taylor had cleaned my car out! It looked so good, thank you for scrubbing the carpet papa Dave!
Mark, Taylor, Dave, Jan and Myself all headed for Branson, Mo to have a wonderful dinner at Mels Hard Luck Diner. A place for American Idol Rejects (the good rejects). It was kind of interesting because the waiters would take turns singing even while they were waiting tables. They sang Happy Birthday and it was pretty amazing and a little embarrasing but I enjoyed the fun!Here are a few pictures of that we thought were fun in Branson, and also crossed the Table Rock Dam.
We headed back to Mark's parents house for Cake and Ice Cream. It was way good cake and the best Rocky Road Ice Cream I have ever had!
More to come. I still have Taylor's Birthday and Zoo pictures to post. I promise to be better at posting!
Posted by Hillary at 9:49 AM 6 comments
Picture Overload and Catch up Time!
Here is some more pictures from our TRIP across the UNITED STATES.
These pictures were taken in Colorado just outside of Aspen. It was breathtaking! We also went through a very long tunnel, is it me or does no one honk as they go through the tunnel?
As soon as we got to Denver, and head northeast to my moms we hit a little rain storm!!! Notice how flat it is after you reach Denver.
While driving in the rain storm we saw some flashing lights ahead that looked liked cop cars, nope, they were snow plows scraping the the hail of the roads. It was so loud we could not even talk to each other in the car we were yelling just to hear one another. CRAZY!
After spending two nights with my mom we went to MTN. Rushmore. It was way smaller than I thought it was going to be. It was fun we saw a mtn. goat, and Taylor chased all the squirrels away.In South Dakota they have some pretty amazing billboards, this one had to be our favorite one,
This part of the trip was fun, we had a great time visiting my side of the family. We love you all and miss you so much. Thanks for all the fun!
Posted by Hillary at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Since Mark has some time off due to his fractured elbow, we decided that now was a good time to go visit all of the parents. I told him I didn't have a problem with going, but I would like to make it to your parents house before my birthday so I would not have to be sitting in a car all day. So we woke up on Wednesday (June 10) at 4:30 am and got the car packed and walked out the door at 5:45 am and started our journey.
First stop would be my mom's house in Brush, Colorado. So we took the I-70 and made a couple of stops. We arrived at 4:30 that afternoon. We hit a horrible thunderstorm with hail that made the road look like it was covered in snow. So much hail that the snow plows were out! While we were at my moms we were in a tornado watch. Crazy crazy! The visit with my mom was super fun and a way good visit.
We got back on the road at 9:00 am on Friday (June 12) and headed to where my step-mom Kris is living. She is currently in Rapid City, South Dakota. Only 20 min. from Mt. Rushmore, so we decided that we would stop and see what Taylor says, "the faces in the mt."
We had a wonderful time with Kris, she made us a wonderful dinner followed with a game of Yahtzee, which she won 3 out of the 4 games. We woke up on Saturday (June 13) and headed to my dad's which in Yankton, South Dakota. It was a pretty boring drive, pretty flat. I will post more in awhile.
Posted by Hillary at 7:00 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Posted by Hillary at 8:10 PM 4 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Mark and his Elbow
On Tuesday Mark decided he was going to go ride his dirt bike with his friend Rob, out at Washington Dam Road. He was about ten min. into his ride when he decided that he was going to jump this jump, well needless to say he didn't quite make the jump. He ended up going to the ER.
He arrived at the ER at about 6:40 PM and had to have some X-Rays done, he knew he had broken something but was not sure how bad it was. Just take a look at this X-ray and you will see just how bad it really really was :(.Mark, had to have surgery on his elbow at 11:30 PM. While waiting in the waiting room there was not a sole in sight. Lets just say I was a little worried since that is all there was to do. At about 1:00 Am I finally picked up the phone to the surgical room and asked if he was out of surgery yet? They said we have just finished and the Doctor should be up there in a few min. to talk to you. A few min. turned into 15 min. I was relieved when the Doctor came out and told me the surgery went well.
Mark now has a plate in his elbow with several screws. Once I get those X-rays back I will post those pictures. We stayed in the hospital for two days. So thanks for all the visitors it was nice of you to come check up on Mark. Thank you to all the Family who watched our sweet little Taylor.
Mark says he is feeling pretty good except for the road rash he has on his back......
Damage to dirt bike-$ 100.00
Damage to Mark- $12,000.00
Cost of Insurance- Priceless
I love you honey! I hope you get feeling better!
Posted by Hillary at 7:59 AM 9 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Jewelery Party
Hi Everyone my friend Tara and I are hosting a Jewelery party of May 27, 2008 at 6:30-8:30. We would love it if you could come look.
Stacie Stilson makes most of her Jewelery and there a a few pictures attached.
Necklaces- $ 8.00
Earrings- $ 2.00
Interchangeable Watch Faces- $ 10.00
Interchangeable Watch Bands- $ 15.00
Cuff & Beaded Watches- $15.00
Safety Pin Watches- $ 15.00
Men's Watches- $15.00
you can check them out on her blog at
Posted by Hillary at 9:09 AM 0 comments